Carter literally fumbled the youth vote with deeply unpopular policies that could have easily avoided, instead he got btfo by a senile actor who killed a student in protests against bombing children
Carter sucks but I’ll give him props for returning the Canal to Panama. Apparently doing that really hit his popularity hard, though of course there were a lot of other things. The American people get the blame for that one,
Carter literally fumbled the youth vote with deeply unpopular policies that could have easily avoided, instead he got btfo by a senile actor who killed a student in protests against bombing children
Libs wanna talk about history but don’t wanna talk about how it fits together smh
Carter sucks but I’ll give him props for returning the Canal to Panama. Apparently doing that really hit his popularity hard, though of course there were a lot of other things. The American people get the blame for that one,
Reminds me of whenever the government does anything remotely good for the people, stocks tank dramatically
Almost like the corporates s/ bait the government to keep the lanyards keeping the elites happy.
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First as tragedy, twice as farce...