blaming nixon on the war protesters instead of the party maintaining a deeply unpopular pro-war stance
Most of them are too cowardly to maintain the line in the face of (albiet belated) scorn from their peer group. Those that aren't get cushy media jobs.
Literally this. My partners dad is the most capital L liberal I’ve ever met and he’s such a fucking loser.
They’re having a family hardship rn and he’s the only one with any semblance of security and he refuses to help and when he actually finally does throw some breadcrumbs their way it’s so begrudgingly.
Like he has an opportunity rn to put his money where his mouth is but can’t help revealing that none of his principles or politics are actually based in love and compassion for the other humans he shares this planet with, much less his own direct family, it’s just about have the DNC approved talking points on hand whenever he’s in a conversation
i am, he isn't but he's doing his best to assimilate to that for sure
They have their stock portfolios to worry about. Kids are nice for the occasional photo op, but there are priorities here.
Being a Lib to him is more about "being right" than anything else. He doesn't actually believe in anything. Except perhaps his own superiority over everyone else.
What I see from the lanyard types is a position that the Iraq War wasn’t bad in the abstract but bad because Dubya didn’t follow proper protocol in authorizing the war. Pusillanimous triangulation as usual.
The world if Dubya followed proper protocol
expelliarmus saddam
If I was a lib, I would still be pretending...
Libs would never admit it to the point of hiding it even from their significant other but they have an emotion that can be stronger than hate when it comes to chuds. They envy them.
Chuds get to be openly as racist, hateful, raving, and ranting as they want.
In a way that libs have to be drunk and comfortable for, like that Seldowitz zombie
What do you mean full circle? It was never even a half circle. It’s more like a top right corner portion of a circle, really.
That's why the protest at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 happened. Not aimed at you, just adding to the conversation
The most contentious issues of the convention were the continuing American military involvement in the Vietnam War and voting reform, particularly expanding the right to vote for draft-age soldiers (age 18) who were unable to vote as the voting age was 21
The entire event took place live under television lights for seventeen minutes with the crowd chanting, "The whole world is watching".[56] Samuel Brown, one of the organizers for Senator McCarthy, lamented the violence, saying: "Instead of nice young people ringing doorbells, the public saw the image of mobs shouting obscenities and disrupting the city".[18] Brown stated the demonstrations at Chicago had been a disaster for the anti-war movement, as the American people saw the protesters as the trouble-makers and the heavy-handed police response as justified.[18] The general feeling at the time was the hippies were intent upon destroying everything good in America and the Chicago police had acted correctly in beating such dangerous anti-social types bloody.
"If y'all don't like the ruling class oppressing you so much, then just let them oppressing you!"
Wow, brilliant take. Sounds like they should have kept protesting after Vietnam. Sounds like maybe we stopped too soon.
great takes in that thread:
This actually isn’t right. The main thing that pushed the country to the right and led to Nixon was the race riots of the 60s. Read Omar wasows research.
oh really, the race riots, eh? why were there race riots?
The fact that white people hated the civil rights movement so much they actually rioted (often harnessing that anger on school busing programs) has been completely memory holed and we all just sorta pretend like it never happened. Even as someone who likes to read history, I don’t really know all that much about it. But I assume it never gets brought up in history class or society at large because it spoils the narrative of “MLK Jr gave a speech, we passed a law, and now we have total equality and racism had been defeated”.
A lot of people come to the realization that society fought MLK, watched him die and then said "oh! oh! I agreed with him the whole time"
But it's worse. What they really said was "He agreed with me the whole time"
Yup. After MLK ended racism, everyone forgets about how the white people who formed lunch mobs and bombed people are still walking around, probably shopping for tomatoes next to you.
how the white people who formed lunch mobs
They still do on Sundays.
Sorry if this is inappropriate I just wanted to make fun of rude white people after church
White person y'alling POC protesters on why what they get from the ruling class is what they deserve
In my part of Ireland we say "ye" for a plural you, like "how are ye doing?" Some people in Dublin say "yous" or "yis"
Much better than saying "you guys".
"You guys" is non gendered for all the people in regions who use it but I understand why people who don't use it feel gendered by it when it's said to them.
But the point of my comment was this feels more like cracker using AAVE to talk down.
I believe this person is from Texas, where y'all is a standard cracker term. I'm from Texas as well and I feel like I'm from bizarro world because here saying y'all makes you sound white. It seems like outside of the south is where y'all is AAVE.
Thank you. At least someone around here knows how to speak English.
'You' second person plural and 'thou' is second person singular. Retvrn
I am not American. Why are Americans constantly using “y’all” now?
It's been a normal word in the south forever. Outside of the south it's been pretty normal among black people. Black vernacular English has gained more prominence over the past few decades I think.
Black vernacular English has gained more prominence over the past few decades I think.
Read as: "the fuckin settlers won't keep our vernacular out their damned mouths"
because it's gender neutral. similar thing with folks(/folx, ugh) In some cases it's also used to be condescending/ironic, plus s just love appropriating turns of phrase from black people
There is a bad wiff of gone off mayo of it now alright. The constant use of folk in lefty writing is annoying too.
we should appropriate from new jersey instead. i'm gonna start saying "youse"
i have a very vague memory of a 90s cartoon doing a 50s pastiche where the bathroom signs said cats and something else. not sure if that was a joke or if that usage of cat has contextual gender
I have never once heard 'yinz' in casual conversation; is that actually real or is my leg getting yanked
It's a legitimately useful linguistic feature for a language to have a plural form of "you" so I fully support y'all becoming mainstream
Carter literally fumbled the youth vote with deeply unpopular policies that could have easily avoided, instead he got btfo by a senile actor who killed a student in protests against bombing children
ShowLibs wanna talk about history but don’t wanna talk about how it fits together smh
Carter sucks but I’ll give him props for returning the Canal to Panama. Apparently doing that really hit his popularity hard, though of course there were a lot of other things. The American people get the blame for that one,
Reminds me of whenever the government does anything remotely good for the people, stocks tank dramatically
Almost like the corporates s/ bait the government to keep the lanyards keeping the elites happy.
Here's a good essay that responds to this particular brand of ghoulery.
So here is my question for Joe Biden, the one man who has been anointed to save America from the terrifying notion of another Trump administration: Why have you decided to force American voters who do not want a fascist president to step over the bodies of thousands of dead civilians in order to vote for you? Why? What are you thinking? The Biden administration itself is subjecting all of us to this blood-soaked political kabuki, in which we are all supposed to grin tightly and talk about the CHIPS Act and investment in green energy and studiously ignore the thousands of dead children strewn all around us. It is as if the night before a big game, the New York Yankees went out and shot up an elementary school, and then turned to their fans and shrugged, “What are you gonna do—cheer for the Red Sox?”
"We need to give republicans everything they want, or else they'll have the pleasure of just taking it!"
How's tailism working out for Biden, btw? He LET abortion bans and trans criminalization happen across the country because "muh bipartisanship" but normies STILL think he's too far left.
Just weapons grade libbin. Not to mention : Y'all. Anyways I tried to look at what else this genius person said. Here's another masterpiece.
ShowI love that this person is handwringing at people protesting while all the liberal cadre wouldn't bat an eye at operation phoenix.
Not to mention : Y'all.
She’s from Texas, that’s the least of what’s wrong with her lol
lol china is communist when they do bad thing, capitalist when they do good thing, and state capitalist red fash when they simply breathe
Its just convenient to shit on and trot out old red scare. They can just yap about whatever place they think is so downtrodden and authoritarian. But any real criticism of empire or imperialist ambition is never taken seriously. Cause communism bad muh think tank says so, hence no criticisms pls.
I'm looking for a president that wants to collaborate with China.
If doing the right thing (fighting for the liberation of Palestine) makes you unpopular with American voters, then America deserves whatever hell is wrought upon it in the aftermath.
"We must save democracy!"
Binch, if the only available choice is what icing you get on the genocide cake, you have no democracy worth saving. Fuck your democracy and fuck you for asking people of conscience to humor your bullshit.
The political theory of "doing nothing is the best way to move policy to your side"
It’s an objectively true statement but not for the reasons she thinks. American imperialists of the Cold War era de-radicalized anti-war advocates, union members, and other progressives by ending the draft and offering a still-viable path to the so-called middle class.
And those roads to a middle class existence are damn near nonexistent now, so yeah let’s talk about some history.
I've made jokes about galaxy brain takes in the past but I am literally unable to approach this. It's so far beyond a galaxy take. Beyond a universe take. Beyond the history of western philosophy and analysis. It's transcendental. We can't even see the logic because it is SO BEYOND THOUGHT
Because this is not a "take", its not an argument or an intellectual position, its a mirror of some very old basic human psychology which is triballism. In their mind they support the good guys, therefore anyone opposing the good guys are automatically wrong and as a consequence shall be punished. History is often used to support this creating a circular argument.
You see this in nearly every community. "We are the smart ones, we are the best, and everyone else is wrong because they are not us."
It's the worst part of humanity imo