• Egon [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Is he giving the Danes control of Alsace-Lorraine and part of the balkans? Impeccable, no notes. Giving the Gauls all of Iberia? Sure that makes sense

    • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
      2 months ago

      When I conquer the world, I'm going to forcibly resettle everyone in Alsace-Lorraine to elsewhere, wall it off, and let it return to nature. If the little brats who have been killing each other for centuries over it can't play nice and share, nobody gets to play with it.

    • kot [they/them]
      2 months ago

      He doesnt know what any of these words mean. He probably just googled "traditional european tribes" and went with the first results.

    • theposterformerlyknownasgood
      2 months ago

      The raven banner is only Danish insofar as all Scandinavians were called "Danes" as a metonym by the English for a bit. Theres a raven banner on the bayeux tapestry. It's not really a Danish symbol

      • Egon [they/them]
        2 months ago

        Thank you, I am aware, thats why I wrote "Danes" but I can see how that can be confusing.