
  • bumpusoot [none/use name]
    2 months ago

    Thanks for the chilled response. I don't think it's an event that will result in much on its own, but it is a silly attitude.

    "unrelated to piracy" when it's directly related to piracy, objecting to calling out the privilege of first-world people to be largely pro-corporate, and the fashionable name-calling of "tankie" does make for a triple whammy of lib-type silliness.

    I'm sure we shall all get over it.

        2 months ago

        Honestly, the typical source of friction causing interactions is the inability to accept that different people can interpret things differently

        db0 can't see this because (as the liberal they are) they defederated from grad awhile ago, but holy shit this kind of opinion really does help reinforce the obvious truth that they are a liberal.