

The artist couldn't have used any form of a computer or cell phone in the courtroom. To be sure - I googled NYC courtrooms.

No use of laptop computers or personal stereos [...] All beepers and cell phones must be turned off.

I assume the artist must have done quickie pencil (or whatever) sketch in the courtroom, left court, and used an app.

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    To be fair, in 1937 safety film was still fairly new (like 30 years old) and the only alternative was nitrocellulose whereas courtroom sketches were being done in the US as far back as John Brown's era and were definitively not 'distracting to a fair trial', so it isn't unreasonable to say "don't fix what's not broken" and just ban cameras outright at the time lol. Especially given even with safety film, flash photography was blinding and obnoxious (loud shutters, etc) even just assuming a single photographer.

    • AOCapitulator [they/them]
      1 month ago

      Thats fair and all

      I'm Just really fuckin mad because its been 90 (300) years of no one changing any of the dumb shit stuff in this damn country

      Even small obvious things, fucks sake