• SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    Fucking losers

    Any of the separate threads criticizing Biden for this, even the most TEPID criticism, is buried

    Currently, on hot sort for r/politics, we have

    -16 headlines with 'Trump' in them, almost all related to his trial or 'things he might do'

    -0, literally 0, with 'Biden', 'Joe', 'White House', or 'President'

    On controversial, we have

    -7 headlines with 'Biden', each about how he's an asshole for letting Rafah get blown up, how democrats changed the DNC to help him, and about how his approval is in a ditch

    maybe-later-kiddo "IF I PLUG MY EARS I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALA"