• Utter_Karate [he/him, comrade/them]
    17 days ago

    John Oliver is doing communist edging. The point is to get as near as possible to understanding the underlying systemic issues that are the actual cause of everything he looks at, without ever actually getting there.

    • JuanGLADIO [any]
      17 days ago

      He would be filtered out if he said something that anti-capital. It's similar to the Manufacturing Consent model, except John Oliver and that type is the furthest left the system can tolerate. Jon Stewart getting kicked off Apple comes to mind.

      • marxisthayaca [he/him,they/them]
        17 days ago

        Jon Stewart wanted to do "investigative" and critical pieces on both China and artificial intelligence. I dunno if it would have been left-wing.

    • rio [none/use name]
      17 days ago

      Deification can work both ways.

      The fact the Dems are to the right of Reagan and well to the right of Nixon is obscured by the fact that Reagan and Nixon were republicans.