• MF_COOM [he/him]
      16 days ago

      Please explain it like I'm dumb lol that doesn't seem like it's getting stronger to me

      Oh wait I think I get it ty

      • Tachanka [comrade/them]
        16 days ago

        1 dollar used to be exchangeable for 91 rubles

        now 1 dollar can only be exchanged for 85 rubles

        this means the dollar is inflating faster than the ruble

        and possibly that the ruble is deflating (though that part I am not sure of)

        • ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
          16 days ago

          I think it's mostly a correction? Rubles got weaker after the Ukraine War sanctions but Russia's economy has in some ways but not all successfully switched from one market to another and as that realignment finishes playing out I would expect it to more or less get back to where it started.

      • alexandra_kollontai [she/her]
        16 days ago

        Previously, Russians could use their 91 rubles to buy a dollar. Now they can buy a dollar AND have 6 rubles left over, because the dollar only costs 85. This means the ruble can buy more dollars, so it's becoming stronger.