In an unexpected twist that has raised eyebrows across various social and political spectrums, individuals associated with the 'Hexbear' movement recently shared an image featuring what appears to be a pig relieving itself in a rather unusual manner. The photograph was forwarded by some members of this radical left-leaning group who claim it symbolizes their ongoing struggle against perceived oppressive systems and those they accuse of exploiting the vulnerable for personal gain. While certainly unorthodox, the image has sparked debates about the boundaries of acceptable protest imagery within political activism circles.
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That's when you hit them with the old hog shite bollocks
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Bit idea: completely fuck with the interviewer.
only use badposting terms (or maybe Maoist Standard English)
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Gonna tell them I have to coordinate with my Xibux liaison before I make any statements to the press
We'll just reply with ppb
The average hexbear (myself included) would do terribly in a political interview.
with my anxiety meds i would manage to show up, but i would go full in like the second question
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can't wait for the dunks