• anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    I honestly hate that shit. And it's always really unnecessary and cringe. Instead of that idealism, people should be dropping quotations waking those around them to the inevitability of revolution. That's what's really important anyway.

    I don't have to tell you, comrades, about the times and material conditions. Because you yourselves all know that the new day of the revolution will come like an FBI raid in the night. And libs think there is peace and security under the ruling ideology but then they're caught unaware when sudden revolution comes upon them, and then kinda like birth pains come upon birthing people there's no escaping! But you, comrades, are not idealists for that to surprise you like a raid, because all of you are comrades of the new day and peace, we're not of the ruling ideology or oppression. So then don't let us fall asleep to material conditions like some other do, let us stay woke and stay grounded. Because those who are reactionaries are reactionaries serving the ruling ideology, and those who are revisionists are revisionists serving the ruling ideology. But since we belong to the new day, let's stay grounded, and embrace the power of solidarity and struggle, and for a flag the Red Banner of liberation. Because the science of history has made it clear that the future holds not our oppression but our liberation through Marxist-Leninism so that whether we're woke or chuds we can be free. That's why we should encourage and build up each other, as we're all doing. But we're asked, comrades, to hold solidarity with those who are working class among us, as well as those who actually practice Marxist-Leninst theory and struggle session us or tell us to touch grass. We should hold them very highly in solidarity because of their work. But be chill among ourselves on Hexbear. And we're urged, comrades, to criticize the lurkers, encourage the anxious seldom-posters, help the shitposters, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays a bad post with a downbear, but always seek to reply to one another and to all. Laugh at bits always, post without ceasing, give upbears in all circumstances, because this is what the Admins at Hexbear wish for us. Don't logout. Don't hate reading theory, but test everything in praxis, stick to what's Communist, and abstain from every form of lib.