We trans guys have an advantage over basic cis men here. We know what goes into a woman getting dressed up. There’s steps! There’s try-ons and discards, lotions and perfumes, accessory choices, sometimes shaving and plucking, and all sorts of to-dos specific to someone who’s thought out their gender presentation.

Trans men are men! But they're socialized women. Don't you know all trans men perfectly conform to girlhood until they're hit by the transgender ray during puberty? There's definitely not any trans guys who as boys refused to engage in this stuff. All trans guys know what it's like to be a woman, because trans men are- sorry! were women. Ontologically. debate-me-debate-me

Did you once have a heart shaped choker just like that when you were a woman? Start there.

he-admit-it Look, it's fine if you identify as having been a woman, but don't imply that's The trans guy experience.

Only compliment her on what she can control or what is mostly non-sexual. No great tits, even if they are great tits.

We literally choose to grow breasts! Obviously don't comment on them on the first date for other reasons, but really!

The dolls tend to curate their Instagrams really beautifully. Let her show it off!

Don't forget to ask her to introduce you to her Blåhaj. lea-why

She could be a nightlife trans woman, who maybe had a great run as a gay guy and who still revels in that environment.

A Trans Guy's Guide to Picking Up a Trans Girl: Misgender Her my-hairdo

It’s not as likely that a woman would “choose the bear” over us.

Are trans men not men? hexbear-trans

It’s a cliché, and maybe has a dab of sexism to it that we’re not perceived as the same level of dangerous as a cis man, but, hey, it’s okay to use a little societal conditioning to our advantage.

You're scared of men? W-well I'm not a man - I was socialized female! kitty-birthday-sad Fuck off, keep this BS to Xitter. Trans men are men, not female socialized he/hims. You're even using manipulation to slide into a girl's DMs. If that's not toxic Manhood then IDK what is! Transition works, folks!

You have a foundation that puts you leaps and bounds ahead of any cis guy who’s ever tried to pick her up.

Because trans men were women, and trans women were men? stfu-terf

  • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
    17 days ago

    it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for her Instagram. The dolls tend to curate their Instagrams really beautifully. Let her show it off!

    sorry I don't use social media miku-gun