Yahtzee talks about how writers for AAA games don't seem to know how to write complex and nuanced female characters and instead resort to brutalising and victimising their female protagonists to give them depth and how the violence they're subjected to is framed differently compared to violence that's done to male characters

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    6 days ago

    But Tomb Raider, a series about a lady who dualwields pistols while doing backflips, must be a serious Prestige Game!

    Where you also want to protect her or whatever the producer guy was saying in 2012

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      6 days ago

      Every time I think about TR being ✨ prestigious ✨ I always picture the magazine cover, the one with Duke Nukem copping a feel.

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        6 days ago

        There's an Easter Egg in one of the PS1/N64 Duke Nukem games where what is intended to be a horny Lara Croft calls Duke Nukem to ask him to come and bone her. In another Easter Egg Duke finds Lara's discarded tank top at a strip club and says only a huge skank would wear something like that

        The 90s were very classy