I’m pretty sure that I didn’t see the rule update until after I posted my last thread, and then spaced on the Hm maybe I should update my thread. Or something like that.

It’s kind of an emergency because not only have I basically not eaten today, I was just aggressively threatened and harassed by this piece of shit. I wasn’t even on his property and he demanded that I leave immediately and threatened me. He initially refused to let me even pack my things.

I took what I could carry and left everything else behind. My fanny pack, my portable chargers and my charging cables, my USB fan, cat food, my backup pair of boots, my fucking water bottle, and I don’t know what else. All because of this piece of shit.

I’ve learned my lesson regarding the opsec thing. I was actually about to make a post that abided by those rules, when I found out I was banned.