This person has also said many transphobic and misogynistic things to me before. is a fucking joke, I'm only on here to check trans places everywhere

edit: He's been banned by dessalines. But nutomic (an admin) and davel (an admin and hexbear user) has been defending him in the comments. They should go too, wtf

  • autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 days ago
    1. You know as much as I do that legality =/= morality so don't try to turn this into a cultural chauvinism thing or some shit. Legality wasn't even brought up in the posts. We're talking about right and wrong.
    2. A trusted user here has argued that lolicon, while morally wrong to produce, should not be called CSAM because an actual child was not sexually abused and victims orgs have advocated for being specific when we use the term they created (CSAM). They explained it better than me so I wont try to go any further with that. But here's the thing. This situation is not lolicon. A child is being abused because AI is being used to create nude images of an actual physical flesh and blood child. This is not the same as that because a child is in fact being abused even if the abuse isn't physical.
    3. Why did he find this distinction worth arguing in the first place???? Why is this a hill to die on?
    4. Noones brought it up but how is it "pro-establishment" lmao I just want that bit clarified.