• AlicePraxis [any]
    6 days ago

    under-30 turnout will be historically low. how many young people want to vote for some old piece of shit who was already the president? most of our lives got worse under both these assholes

    • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
      6 days ago

      "Gee, do I want to vote for the guy supporting the brutal murder of people my age and lower whose deaths I've seen on video, or do I want to support the other guy who'll do the same and potentially worse?"

      Something libs genuinely can't grasp is that many people will vote for what they want, not for damage control. It takes effort to go and vote, and in some places it's deliberately made even harder; not everyone is going to put themselves through that to vote for someone they don't want just because they dislike him slightly less than the other guy.