Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., suffered a primary defeat Tuesday to a moderate challenger who was backed by pro-Israel groups, NBC News projected, following a bitter and expensive race that exposed the party’s divisions over the war in Gaza.

The race between Bowman and Westchester County Executive George Latimer in New York’s 16th District drew more ad spending — $25 million, according to the ad tracking firm AdImpact — than any other House primary in history. Nearly $15 million of that spending came from the United Democracy Project, a super PAC linked to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful pro-Israel lobby, which backed Latimer.

With 68% of the vote in, Latimer led Bowman by a wide margin, 55.7% to 44.3%.

Speaking to a roomful of his supporters Tuesday night, Bowman conceded defeat to his "opponents," most likely a nod to big-spending outside groups, but he vowed that the broader fight for "humanity and justice" would go on.

"This race was never about me and me alone. It was never about this district and this district alone. It was always about all of us," Bowman said. "Now, our opponents — not opponent — may have won this round, at this time, in this place. But this will be a battle for our humanity and justice for the rest of our lives."

edit: also AOC won her primary so she is staying

In a closely watched primary, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, has emerged victorious, securing her position as the Democratic candidate for New York’s 14th Congressional District.

The 34-year-old progressive, known as AOC, overcame a challenge from 66-year-old investment banker Marty Dolan, who positioned himself as a moderate alternative.

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    3 days ago

    the current USA support to Israel must be too important to affort even a light zionist victory, they need the hard liners to support them now especially with their future invasion of Lebanon

    • Teekeeus [comrade/them]
      3 days ago

      ironically an invasion of lebanon would be a strategic disaster for the zionist project

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        3 days ago

        Fascism and trying to solve problems by starting a second war. Name a more iconic duo. From pit to no-oil it's been nothing but success.

      • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
        2 days ago

        The zionists are high on their own supply of Six-Day War nostalgia. In 1967 the Israeli government wasn't fighting against forces with cheap high-precision ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones in mass quantities.