• CommunistBear [he/him]
    3 days ago

    It's gonna be awful. Two mumbling old men who's brains have melted yelling at each other. Maga will say Trump won. BlueMaga will say Biden won. The rest of us look on in horror that these 2 decrepit husks are somehow the best this system could muster up. And I become fully jokerfied

    • blobjim [he/him]
      3 days ago

      The real horror will be watching all the propagandists asking each other stuff like "When the US needs to launch the nukes at China, will Biden be too impotent to do it?", "Americans don't want to see us capitulate to Russia, will Biden's arms deals to Ukraine be what wins him the nomination?", "Americans want Israel to teach the terrorists a lesson, but Biden said that Palestinians are human, will that become a problem for him?", "Trump's competent and actionable plan to use illegal migrant criminals as animal feed may prove to be more appealing to voters than Biden's limp-dick work camps", "both candidates seemed to put forth strong proposals for dealing with the excess homeless, lets discuss their plans".