CNN analysts immediately after the debate are saying the dems are pannicing.

lol, lmao, who could’ve seen this coming

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    3 months ago

    the DNC won a lawsuit by saying they're a private entity that isn't democratic and votes in the primary don't have any guarantee of mattering, so oh yeah baybeee this DNC convention is gonna be wild

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        3 months ago

        I think Newsom could beat Trump, but it's not a lock. Like, surely, a lot of Dems and "undecideds" would be unhappy with a hand-picked Newsom... I think? I'm not sure if his "positives" would outweigh the potential outrage at a pick without winning a primary. Fuck this could be real interesting

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]
          3 months ago

          He's disgustingly handsome in an "I'm rich in California" way.

          Yeah, he could do it. He's young (lol he's fucking 56), he's able to speak in complete sentences, he's very handsome. I think he could do it.

          outrage at a pick without winning a primary

          I don't think the Dems will care. They would vote for Biden to save them, they'll vote for literally anyone who is endorsed by the DNC and can string a sentence together. They're all good little Nazis, they'll fall in line.