After unilaterally withdrawing from the INF treaty in 2019, US is the first country to develop and now deploy weapons prohibited under the treaty in the Philippines this year. It's now clear the US sought to withdraw so it could develop and deploy prohibited weapons against China.

  • The_Jewish_Cuban [he/him]
    2 days ago

    Interesting development after China's reaffirmation of "peaceful development". I wonder how long that goal will work if America tries to keep poking the proverbial bear.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2 days ago

      US is working hard to cross China's red lines because they realize their window of a military victory is closing. In my opinion, the window has closed a long time ago, but it seems they're still under the delusion that they could win a conflict, and want to goad China into it the same way they goaded Russia in Ukraine.