What're you into, what're you looking forward to, what're you happy about?


I am feeling terribly self-harmy in advance of my birthday next week

I got to the point of making a pros and cons chart

give me something to be vicariously happy about or something to look forward to, please

  • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I've had mint tea and mint chocolate cookies, but ginger and mint cookies?! Maybe with chili pepper?? 🤯 I would love to know more. What texture are you going for? Are you working from a recipe or inspired genius?


    Thank you for telling me about your intriguing cookie project ❤️ would you please post about them when you make them this weekend?


    • plinky [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Oh, no , chili with mint is a separate thingie, I just wanted to test how hot and cold food feels together.

      Figure chili would be too weird in a cookie. Although black pepper might work curious-sickle

      I’ll keep you updated rat-salute

      Nah usual ginger cookies, but because I have a small oven, I have to bake in 3 goes, so I try some stuff with them

        • plinky [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Cookie report card:

          Black pepper works, surprisingly nicely actually, feels like different heat than ginger. (A-)

          Mint - kinda meh, cooling effect isn't felt. Althoug smell of mint is felt in breath/roof of mouth, dunno how to describe it, like after minty candy or toothpaste. Maybe i should dump a whole load of it, dunno. But very complicated taste. Maybe if i lost clove and got fresh leafs (or very strong ones) it could work. thonk (B, needs some work, likely complicated balance to find)

          • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            Have you created a whole new genre of cookie here?? I've never heard of a pepper cookie, but it sounds awesome and I'd totally try one.

            🤩 I'm impressed with your ingenuity! I would never have thought of trying that.

            • plinky [he/him]
              2 months ago

              I don't think so, in some recipes i've seen mentions of ginger cookies with pepper soviet-hmm

              but it makes sense, ginger has some hotness, different from other hot thingies. Peppermint does as well, so its like shy two spicy things, but differently spicy meow-fiesta