For me it's Coke, Flaming hot cheetohs, synders pretzel bites and anything... like... microwavable pizza esque. Like hot pockets, bagel bites, pizza rolls etc

  • erik [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Energy drinks. I get them sugar free, but all that caffeine daily cannot be good for me. Friends have told me it completely perplexes them because I eat clean outside of them, I drink 3 liters of water a day, no red meat, no refined sugar, little fried food, almost no carbs and I'm basically straight edge, no alcohol, no other drugs. But caffeine via energy drinks. it's like my one little treat, but it's probably killing me faster than a moderate amount of grass fed beef or something.

    • TrudeauCastroson [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Maybe I'm in denial, but depending on how many you drink it's probably fine?

      One energy drink has around the same caffeine as a cup of coffee. One time I did drink so much knock-off redbull that my pee was fluorescent (It's never been that colour before or since), but other than that it's probably fine.

      • erik [he/him]
        2 months ago

        I do mostly do Monster, which has less than some of the more extreme brands like Bang. Maybe I am being a little too crunchy, but coffee feels "natural", but I hate the taste of it, whereas energy drinks are this very synthetic thing that I love.

        • Chronicon [they/them]
          2 months ago

          try something else like yerba mate?

          or get into different kinds of coffee, light roasts with more of a berry aftertaste vs the dark or even burnt crap

          But yeah its not gonna totally sub in for energy drinks because of the B vitamins and shit. Those can really make a difference for some people. One of my friends gets full on manic when they have anything with B vitamins, even with low or no caffeine