I know I've made a few comments talking about my relationship issues, but tonight they got to an all time worst. I'm not with my person anymore, she is my ex now and I've never been happier that she's my ex. She's talking about surrendering my nephew (her nephew I should say, not related to me) to social services because she's "tired of raising someone else's kid" like I didn't just spend my teen years doing exactly that for her. She has this idea that he's super bratty when he's really just being a normal fucking kid, and it's so disturbing to me. She's returning the PS4 she bought for his birthday while he's gone at grandma's.

She's currently pissed at me because I called her out for never being there for the kids (always passed out on extra methadone/liquor, or just note home), and wants me to apologize for making her feel bad. She wants to try to say I was being manipulative by mentioning that the kids miss her. She now believes that the kids didn't miss her and just missed her for her money.

The worst part about all of it for me is that I'm not going to be here to back the kids up anymore. She is going to be all they have after I leave, and I'm having a really hard time with it. Sorry for the rant. I really want to drink right now but I'm writing this out instead.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    2 months ago

    As a parent I can't even imagine what it must be like to go through something like this. This was gutwrenching to read, and I'm so sorry.

    • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
      2 months ago

      Yeah it's really fucking with me. It's really fucking with me. I love those kids like they're my own and always have, my Hexbear posting is proof that I've been an extremely present step (step) parent. But I'm not related to them whatsoever. I have no grounds to fight for them, I'm a schizophrenic 23 year old, I can barely even watch after children without severely neglecting myself. I can't make my life better unless I essentially leave them behind, and it's absolutely breaking me right now.