Not to say that one mustn't date outside their social class. But it feels like it causes stress with expectations and the cultural differences. The poorer partner will have more responsibilities with taking care of family, and possibly more day to day stress, which the posher partner might not be able to have any empathy for. It seems like richer people do leisure better, and I often hear the richer partner complain that "my gf/bf doesn't do anything". Well they don't have the material ability to kite surf or travel internationally. Seeing each other's respective living spaces can be a shock for someone who's used to a settler level of comfort.

I've definitely dated quite well off people in the past, and it didn't go well. One woman used to insist on showing me her paystub every fortnight?? Another guy would take me to posh restaurants but then get paranoid we'd be seen. Not to say that I'm perfect, I definitely used to look for people with similar degree levels when I was dating.

More power to those that can transcend it all. Sometimes it feels like only the super rich can do it well, as they can just buy the other partner's parents a new home and make all the problems go away with money.

Communism would make dating easier.

  • Flyberius [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    The only reason to date a rich person is so you can get into their will, murder them, and then use the proceeds to fund the revolution.

    When I was in my twenties I dated a rich woman for a bit. I just wanted sex because that's where my head was at, at the time. Despite scratching that itch and not being even remotely leftist at the time, I found her attitude towards money utterly disgusting and that made me call the whole thing off. She was suing both her brother and her father over some bullshit inheritance dispute from some dead aunt. Yucky yucky people

    • booty [he/him]
      2 months ago

      I know people who know rich people, and sometimes I end up socializing with rich people as a result. Briefly, anyway. They do just give off bad vibes like all the time. One time I approached a conversation that had one such rich lady involved and she was talking about how she's not leaving her daughters any money and thinks they should work for it. (Where is that money going to go? Idk I didn't ask)

      • ButtBidet [he/him]
        2 months ago

        Going to her dog. Actually probably a charity to solve problems that would be solved by ending rich people.

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Ya, every relationship, friendship or dating, I've had with a rich person became yucky. There's sometimes a point before 24 when kids of rich parents may not yet be terrible, but it never lasts.

      • Flyberius [comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        I'm in China at the moment and most of the westerners I meet are rich libs. Quite a few of them have been extremely condescending towards China and downright rude in most cases.

        Anyway, I'm quite amiable so they make friends with me and usually on day we part ways they get "the talk", where they find out I'm a commie. I take great delight in likening the west to a sinking ship and China to a rising star. I'll explain to them everything I know about the United States' actions in South East Asia during the 20th century, and so far I've had zero push back because anything they say in response is purely vibes based. I explain that the evidence is s before their eyes and that they know it's true, but that they are clinging to this false belief that the west is just inherently better and cannot possibly be surpassed.

        8 times so far in 2 weeks

        • ButtBidet [he/him]
          2 months ago

          I'm guessing that white dudes in Asia are worse than at home??

          Quite a few of them have been extremely condescending towards China and downright rude in most case

          This is enough to make me hate someone, although I'm not judging you for having a convo with them. I'm just old now, and have no patience anymore. Tbh I was a lot like you in my twenties.

          I'll explain to them everything I know about the United States' actions in South East Asia

          I want to say that it's impossible to accept the facts that you're part of an imperialist project when you're actively benefiting from it. This has just been my experience. I've have these convos hundreds of times, and the best result would be that the posh person gets uncomfortable and tries to change the subject.

          • Flyberius [comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            I'm 36 and travelling with other people. I'm not giving the rude people both barrels from day one simply because I don't want to make a scene. I want to enjoy myself and starting fights is going to wind me up. But equally if these subjects come up in conversation I'm not shying away from them.

            • ButtBidet [he/him]
              2 months ago

              Comrade, I'd do the exact same thing you would, even at my crotchety old age. You're not being blamed for not telling everyone off. Just be wary of those people burning you out, that's all.

      • HamManBad [he/him]
        2 months ago

        If you're a kid of rich parents, the key to staying cool is to reject all financial gifts and refuse a well paying job. It's made me super cool. I'm the coolest and I regret none of my decisions

    • ButtBidet [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Honestly, I was thinking of Engels when I wrote this post. But if your partner isn't Engels, yes you should probably kill them.