I was browsing PS2 roms and Rumble Roses came up. I never knew it was a Konami joint- I assumed it was published by, I don't know, whatever company did those Oneechanbara: Bikini Zombie Samurai Squad games.

I looked into it and the game was developed by Yukes, a studio that did a ton of officially licensed WWE games, and it ran on the same engine they had developed for those games. Rumble Roses also had some amusing high-level Konami crossovers- Akira Yamaoka apparently did some tracks for the OST and some of the wrestlers made it into MGS3: Subsistence's Metal Gear Online as playable characters (despite initial protests from Hideo Kojima, apparently.) There were seemingly also only two games in the franchise- the PS2 original and a Xbox 360 sequel that not even the original game's fans liked. I assumed there had been two or three games on the PS2 alone.

I just find it amusing that 20 years ago you could have a major publisher release high-profile, prestigious franchises like Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania or Silent Hill alongside Titty Slapfight Simulator