Huldra [they/them, it/its]

  • 50 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • The answer is obvious but I still have to ask if the farmers have no real shame in their body?

    Who would want to be represented by a television dickhead who bought a farm and then when the contracted local retired, decided that he would do it himself as reality tv and promptly renamed the farm to "diddly squat".

    Like you wouldnt be offended if you werent a farmer, but if you can imagine being one then wouldn't you find it a little distasteful for some dickhead with money to roll in and make a big joke out of it?

  • It feels like it may as well be occult to give more of a shit about believing in this hierarchy of heaven stuff beyond "hey they have things figured out up there." Like you're expecting to go there anyways so beyond treating it like a travel brochure, whats the purpose?

    Contemporary Christians definitely just yearn for the occult anyways, look at shit like angel numbers where it's just pure vibes based numerology with a new label on it.

  • Also I think some of the quips are just misleading for no reason?

    Like he quips about finding the zodiac killer when talking about handwriting analysis, but the reality is way funnier in that the handwriting analysis they were doing was the classical kind where you can tell if a guy is gay based on how he writes vowels and shit like that, and then force gay soviets to defect or go double agent.

  • The project by project breakdown is nice and it's better than most pop-politics content on MKUltra just by virtue of not taking the magician shit seriously, but things get kind of obnoxiously lib when dealing with anything about the eastern bloc.

    Like he quips "gotta learn from the best" or something with the subproject about studying Russia and China, but we literally have a handbook produced to teach agents about what the CIA knew about combloc "brainwashing", and they literally just write that its extremely mundane "if you make every aspect of a prisoners life really fucking bad then their willpower will deplete." Like just the most obvious cop tactics, and they remark on how unexceptional their findings are in that regard!

    And I still maintain my hot take that I think it's kind of genuinely unhelpful for most people to learn more about this stuff than the general gist, like at some point certain people begin to only think about MKUltra to the point where you literally can't discuss a single thing about Ted K's ideology and actions without half a dozen people jumping in to tell you ghost stories about how the CIA made him do it all.

    Overall idk, I think the best way to introduce people to this would be to explain the sort of guiding philosophy of like, tossing out inherent mojo and weird tradecraft tricks in exchange for everything being hard science, so shit like "heh why'd you need a scientific test to figure out if people find other people more attractive when intoxicated" is easily explained with the fact that they want the hard numbers so the big nerds can crunch it instead of relying on gut feelings.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]tochapotraphouseWhat's your sign?
    8 days ago

    I have to assume this is some kind of satire on blanket assertions within astrology, otherwise I have no idea how you justify or even begin to consider assigning a 12th of all births as having some inherent necrophiliac tendency?

    And repeat that for the other truly horrible ones.

  • There are of course leftist critiques of him about how he's kind of obviously partisan on China when it comes to the fashion industry and shit like that.

    But at the end of the day his fashion advice/critique shit is literally just regular advice about one specific type of fashion delivered in a layman friendly tone, why the fuck do people talk about him like he has some kind of dictatorship police state in place on twitter? Most annoying shit ever.

  • For as annoying I think the twitter menswear guy is, I have to imagine he's 10 times as annoyed by the twitter culture around him, and that makes me smile.

    Seeing posts like "I've seen TWO whole threads ripping the menswear guys latest thread apart, his reign of terror is ending" and then the two linked threads are people being like "Hey sorry, your pop history is too pop, your direct comparisons are inaccurate and misleading, but hey I think your overall point is pretty good!"

    Literally how are people completely incapable of being the slightest bit normal when it comes to a guy who's kind of annoying but good at communicating weird fashion rules in a descriptive rather than prescriptive way? Literally 90% of his posts are just talking about how guys who pretend to be trad dont actually know how to dress trad so they look like shit, it's not some kind of nuclear attack it's just very neutral lib critique.

  • If he was willing and prepared to do that then he should have spent the last 8 years doing so.

    Unless he admits to having acted like a coward and an opportunist then there's no reason for anybody to trust him, he switches effortlessly between closing blue ranks and offering carefully measured critiques that will permit him to stay at the table.

  • The specific critiques I saw when just skimming people talking about it don't even seem that unbelievable.

    Like they said something like the game is too obnoxiously handholdy with tutorial dialogue and also they thought Luigi was basically an annoying obstacle to manage rather than a partner.

    Now I haven't seen the game yet so I can't tell if that's true but that just seems like plausible things that a Mario and Luigi game might fuck up.

  • A lot of the hate was probably just nostalgia rage combined with Ava being kind of the annoying bratty kid archetype and doesn't really do anything except talk at you on comms in a game that already has way too many annoying people on your comms all the time.

    But really she's far from the worst character in that regard, it's just that the more annoying characters like Vaughn are shielded by being returning characters and also not a girl with short hair dyed blue or whatever. Basically just became the easiest target to complain about.