evil cuckservative bastard transphobia cw:

...and then out of nowhere, for some insane reason, the authors have to shit out over 4 paragraphs complaining about how "MUH TRANS PEOPLE BAD", how transphobes like them are the real victims because pronouns (lol), and how rightfully silencing shitheads who want to eradicate anyone who is trans is AKSHUALLY the "barbarism" in "socialism or barbarism"

plus points for the unfounded argumentum ad populum cope

all this stupid gibbering nonsense proves is that they and their backwards transphobic views are being unanimously derided by left wing thinkers and activists at large and that they are mad and scared about it

*really weird because the 90% they did write beforehand seemed reasonable enough, stuff about Nietzsche and Baudrillard and writing about how having leisure time leads to human freedom, decent shit then it just takes a dive off the deep end without warning

the name of their website for avoidance upon recognition

theory underground