I'm not a very angry person, I don't really have it in me to be genuinely pissed most of the time. Sometimes I'll get irritated, and I can usually kinda DBT my way through it, but honestly I'm really pissed at my ex. The more I think about everything horrible she did and continues doing, the more I kinda spiral into being pissed and it's not helping me at all but I don't really know how to decompress all of it. I'm rightfully pissed, she did some truly nuclear shit I'd need content warnings for, and having that anger is healthy at some level. But like I said, I need to get my mind off this shit so I don't become a bitter divorced dad lol

  • robot_dog_with_gun [they/them]
    2 months ago

    i'm completely burnt out and can't do anything about my or the world's problems so i just try to keep the hose on as much as possible and minimize time where i'm alone with my thoughts.