I'm not a very angry person, I don't really have it in me to be genuinely pissed most of the time. Sometimes I'll get irritated, and I can usually kinda DBT my way through it, but honestly I'm really pissed at my ex. The more I think about everything horrible she did and continues doing, the more I kinda spiral into being pissed and it's not helping me at all but I don't really know how to decompress all of it. I'm rightfully pissed, she did some truly nuclear shit I'd need content warnings for, and having that anger is healthy at some level. But like I said, I need to get my mind off this shit so I don't become a bitter divorced dad lol
Depends on who the anger is directed to and why, sometimes I'll have elaborate revenge fantasies or wish death on them which isn't healthy, other times venting to other people or imagining venting to other people so I don't annoy people irl just talking shit and being angry all the time, might try to imagine why they did what they did which is a mixed bag; sometimes ill get more mad if its similar or in my mind not as bad as what I experienced and sometimes it'll calm me down and make me do some self reflection
Time is the most helpful thing for me but I think that's more because during that time I let myself feel all my feelings and wallow in them a little before actually trying to heal