Best highlights:

Well since marx and his antisemtic works to stalinist antisemitism to the current rush of commies who are all antisemitic cause they follow marx and stalin.

Leftist organizing is filled with antisemitism. Why won't condemn china russia or sri lanka for their genocides while only condemning israel. See this is why lot of jewish folk are feeling this anti zionism is antisemitic.

Find nuance within zionism rather than just being anti zionist as all those rabid college protestors

Banning israeli who served in the idf once is not a good look and obviously anti semitic.

Neil druckman is being unfairly maligned.

A lot of leftists praise hamas and that's as bad as idf. Y'all blindly supoort them just cause they are fighting israel. Meanwhile you all ignore sri lanka doing tamil genocide and the ccp doing uyghur genocide. But you all cheer on jewish civilians killed on oct 7.

Equating zionist to white supremacy or white people is very antisemitic. You leftists don't condemn sri lanka or china cause they are not white. This is a common stalinist tradition.

Also hamas is just has their own interests and don't care about jeopardizing palestine's future.

Zionism was not the product of its leaders. Implying they pushed it or they were powerful is antisemitic. It actually formed cause jewish folk escaped persecution and came here. It was a movement cause it has emotional appeal. Zionism is an emotion. Holocaust was the reason for all the jewish folk to form a jewish state.

Do you condemn hamas? Hamas attacks on civillians parallels nazi attacks for the average gentile. Hamas is a fundamentalist antisemitic group.

Horsehoe theory???//


    • FlakesBongler [they/them]
      2 months ago

      lenin-heisenberg Okay, before I start, I'd just like to thank SquareSpace for sponsoring this video, thanks to them I managed to make, the premier online space to read theory and get in touch with other comrades

    • LesbianLiberty [she/her]
      2 months ago

      Yeah but he was engaged on the local struggles, I can't imagine Jessie Gender is if she's making four hour YouTube videos which highlight poor qualities that may be present but are ultimately nonreflective of the ML (or "Stalinist") left