• anyone identifying as ‘isntraeli’ and not ‘occupied Palestinian’ isn’t a comrade
  • anyone identifying as ‘amerikkkan’ and not ‘occupied Turtle Islander’ isn’t a comrade
  • anyone identifying as ‘ausstralian’ and not ‘occupied Kangaroo Islander’ isn’t a comrade
  • anyone identifying as ‘ssouth kkkorean’ and not ‘occupied Korean’ isn’t a comrade
  • anyone identifying as ‘north irelander’ and not ‘occupied Irish’ isn’t a comrade
  • et al
  • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I can't tell if this post is serious or sardonic.

    Assuming it's the latter; if there is a current decolonization effort and you actively identify as a settler and do not at least preface that by saying you are an ally, then you shouldn't be surprised when others assume you're not serious about indigenous rights.

    So I agree, identifying as "Israeli" while a fucking genocide is going on, does make me question your sincerity.

    • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
      2 months ago
      • a post was removed calling for genocide of all isntrealis
      • a mod posted a followup “reminder” that started out ok with how offputting calling for unlimited genocide is, but then said ’we love out israeli comrades, we just hate how far right the israeli government has swung recently’ which got the mod temp banned and another post removed
      • one commenter in that second removed post said calling for violence against colonisers is calling for violence against amerikkkans and for the death of 80% of the users of this site
      • this is a third post trying to humourously shitpost about the events without actually starting a struggle session

      the title and first line about Palestine are genuine, but then some funny ideas for other stolen land areas came to mind so it turned into a challenge to see who could write the funniest “anyone identifying as _____ and not _____ _____ isn’t a comrade” joke

      what you describe about Palestine is spot on, and while it would be fun to see more occupied kangaroo islander framing and such, unlike the first the rest do not automatically disqualify comradeship

      • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
        2 months ago

        violence against amerikkkans and for the death of 80% of the users of this site

        "...You mean to tell me there's a simple trick for decreasing the overrepresentation of Seppos on Hexbear by 100%?"

        "...To shreds, you say."

      • citrussy_capybara [ze/hir]
        2 months ago

        maybe the post is a failure and would have benefited from more clarity, thought adding the ‘et al’ and responding to the first couple comments with new riffs was enough to infer intent without over explaining but it can be tricky to find a balance, and at least there’s added context now