The spongebob game wasnt so bad. It had like a login bonus but it didnt seem to be too bad But once we got into the lego star wars game the f2p bullshit started. And oh god. This game clearly designed for kids had all the f2p bullshit. Login bonuses. Gridnyness. Multiple in game currencies. The daily/weekly ect missions. The unlockables

But god the racing game was even worse. 100000 things to unlock and basically nothing is by default basically. Sooooooooooo absurdly grindy. And most harrowing of all... i swear to god... 5 seperate in game currencies.

I want to reach out and scream to him "games werent always like this maaaaan"

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 month ago

    One of the earliest examples of contemporary hypermonetized freeze-gamer hell I can think of was a Smurf smurf-cursed phone game that expected kids to collect berries... and collecting berries instantly charged their parents' phone account. Some kids racked up thousands of dollars of debt doing that.

    5 seperate in game currencies.

    I think the current king of contemporary hypermonetized freeze-gamer grift is Diablo Immoral (it's too fun to call it that so I keep deliberately writing it that way) because it has even more currencies than that. Do you people not have phones? smuglord

    Star Citizen may be an even more disgusting grift but it has less reach and is more about hollowing out the bank accounts of a specific niche of reactionary boomer and boomer-adjacent gamedads. capitalist-laugh grillman

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      1 month ago

      I have no idea how Diablo Immortal and IV are so popular. Immortal was instantly pegged as being a pay to win knockoff of another game. Diablo IV is like $75 and had day 1 DLC. I'm still pissed over Blizzard gaslighting everyone over Diablo III PVP. My guess is it's the same group who still play Call of Duty or buy EA products.

      Then there's all the awful sexual harassment stuff which is reason to boycott by itself.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 month ago

        Diablo Immoral has sunk cost fallacy built right in because of all its layered pressure tactics to keep people logging in and paying, including the pretense that you don't HAVE to pay, but if you don't, you're going to have to wait months to years to get that same paid progress and be seen as a liability to everyone else when they plunk in their premium tokens for instances when grouping up. capitalist-laugh

        Then there's all the awful sexual harassment stuff which is reason to boycott by itself.

        That would have been reason enough for me to stay away. "Separate art from artist" is especially hollow when the actual artists have already been exploited, underpaid, and likely fired and what's left is the persistent sex pest bro culture.

        Oh yeah and Bobby Kotick was a frequent flyer to a certain island. epsteingelion