Is posting Chiat's ice-cold takes against the rules? Comment section open. for any LIB with a NYMag account.

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    23 days ago

    The group sent masked protesters to the home of a Jewish regent in the middle of the night and vandalized his law office.

    Chait: “Forty thousand dead Gazans? I sleep. Overpaid college bureaucrat get his office spray painted? Real shit.”

    To the extent progressives feel any discomfort with the goals or methods of protesters, they tend to rationalize them by invoking noble protests from past eras.

    As opposed to rationalizing current genocides by invoking ones from past eras.

    And the groups organizing the protests exert significant control over their messaging, which is why you never see a sign or a chant at an encampment denouncing Hamas along with Israel or calling for a two-state solution.

    Because so many pro-Israel protesters go out of their way to condemn the IDF.

    Before October 7, in fact, the Netanyahu government deliberately cultivated Hamas as a counterweight to more moderate Palestinian factions.

    That shit goes back to the 80’s; typical “it’s not Israel it’s that gosh-darn Netanyahu” apologia.

    This is an entirely different question from whether one believes the Palestinians deserve sympathy or that American policy toward Israel needs revision. On both points, I believe the answer is “yes.”


    American supporters of Israel have habitually smeared critics of Israel, even the mildest and friendliest ones, as antisemitic.

    Such as the dastardly Johnathan Chait.

    Settler colonialism delegitimizes its targets without offering a workable program for replacing them

    Ctrl+f “single state” not found

    Even aside from the devastation in Gaza, Israel has abandoned the two-state solution and is permitting Jewish terrorists to brutalize Palestinians in the West Bank.

    That is a feature, not a bug, of ethnostates.