because otherwise they’d probably be second at the current moment, tbh doomjak

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    27 days ago

    16,000,000 still ain't got nothing on the British Empire's multiple man-made famines that replaced policies of giving food to people who were starving to ensure they didn't die with new policies of not doing that because it enabled them to wield starvation as a cudgel against any and all forms of organized labor. The British Empire killed anywhere from 10 million to 200+ million depending on if you count doing nothing to address public health issues for the poor and especially the colonized as social murder (lib historians do not).

    • Awoo [she/her]
      27 days ago

      Absolutely, the British empire was unfathomably evil, thanks in no small part to the incredibly open classism of the british aristocracy that never really evolved all that much over feudal times.