Hi all, it's whitepwrfan69, your lovely admin here at lemmy.balls. The mod team and I have been hard at work making sure that this place is fun and pleasant experience for all the users here. After days of discussion, looking through literal petabytes of data, we've decided the best course of action is to defederate from Hexbear. Although we very much believe in free speech, there are some pretty obvious dangers coming from federation with them. Let me list the top examples that me and the mod team fleshed out.

  • vovchik_ilich [he/him]
    4 months ago

    My home country was invaded the previous century by rabid hordes of orcs... I mean Ruzzians. The literal foundational myth of my country is independence from a totally historically continuous Russia, from the Russian Empire to Soviet Russia and now we're escalating weaponry against modern Russia as any good european superior race member would do. If you deny my foundational myth you're literally hitler, whom I actually don't mind as much as the red fash hordes from the east. We need to arm the local fascists to fight the fascism from Ruzzians that wants to conquer my beautiful and flawless home country.

    If only my home country would have been a monarchy or a liberal democracy instead, I'm sure that way we could be more leftist by participating in unequal exchange and exploitation of the third world...