• UlyssesT [he/him]
    19 days ago

    Spacesteaders are the most bizarrely unhinged branch of Heinleinian libertarian dipshit. Like seasteaders and their dream of "what if we made conglomerate houseboat cities in international waters for reasons and farmed seaweed for food and if you didn't like the sea city you were at you could just take your boat and farming pontoons and go to a different one!" are silly enough, but "all you need is a hollowed out thirty meter wide styrofoam sphere and you can live on potatoes and if someone shoots a missile at you you could simply maneuver your giant styrofoam homestead out of the way!" spacesteaders are on a whole new level of why the fuck even (also both of those quotes are paraphrasing real arguments I've heard in earnest from real people, like I'm not even satirizing their positions I'm just summarizing them slightly that's how bizarre they are).

    One of the most comically damning moments of me reading about spacesteaders was when one of them openly admitted seasteading was a failure in every way they had already financed and attempted but decided going into space where all the problems with seasteading were even worse and decided in a moment of sheer fucking hubris that that'd go better anyway.

    favorite Heinlein novel where Heinlein's immortal-product-of-techbro-eugenics author insert fucks off to a ye olde west planet with his adoptive daughter and then marries her before he then makes a harem out of her, his teenage female clones of himself, his daughter, and also his actual mother too thanks to time travel because what the actual fuck was Heinlein even doing in the 80s.

    That's only somewhat worse than the ultimate creepy author jackoff session that was the conclusion of Ready Player One's sequel. It's bad. It's "mind controlled harem waifus follow sempai into space because the ungrateful poors on the dying Earth don't praise the ego-insert epic freeze-gamer enough" levels of bad.