For those who don’t know, Beau of the Fifth Column is a fairly popular “leftist” YouTuber who makes videos sympathetic to power under the guise of radicalism and about a month ago he decided to step down from his channel due to being “overworked” with his wife taking his place. I find it very interesting he decided to do it around the time his history as a human trafficker has started to really gain traction in online spaces. The two can’t POSSIBLY be connected, right?

  • Roonerino [they/them]
    10 days ago

    The feds had Justin King dead to rights on it too, but for some reason they decided to just let him off with a slap on the wrist and let him keep over a million dollars worth of his ill-gotten gains. After that, I think he did some military and police contracting work before inventing his phony "Beau" character. He's either a fed or a grifter.