Vid clip -

I made the big mistake of watching that. And now [redacted]. Holy mother of fuck are tech bros evil.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    7 hours ago

    I can't even come up with a good "sacrifice to Ba'al" joke because generally speaking Ba'al isn't actually causing the problem you're tryuing to fix. I guess they are trying to, idk, satiate Progress until it spits out Paradise for them. If we just feed enough children to Ba'al it will solve the feeding child to Ba'al problem?

    We've reached a degree of madness I am struggling to satirize.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      7 hours ago

      I'm running out of humor, or even sarcasm, to provide in the face of this death cult level of "just go along with what's making the problem worse until the problem is solved" ideology that, once again, is pushed by so-called "leftists" on this fucking site as recently as a few hours ago by last appearance.

      In the 1800s, fairweather treatbrains like themselves would say just go along with cheap cotton from the cotton gin because that'll eventually solve slavery (which is what Eli Whitney believed before he was super surprised that it only expanded the institution of slavery).

      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
        6 hours ago

        At least Whitney was actually trying to do something good. "If I invent a thing that ends slavery and does so without bloodshed" is a decent enough reason to invent a thing.

        The techbro death cult is more like "If we create more slaves, the price of slaves will drop to zero due to supply vs. demand. Then we'll all own too many slaves, so we'll be forced to sell them off."

        "That...that doesn't actually end slavery tho?"

        "Just trust me bro we gotta make slave cloning machines bro it's the inevitable future."

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          6 hours ago

          Yeah, I won't deny that the cotton gin was a technical improvement.

          My point is that the belief that a technical improvement will by itself undo the consequent damage that it causes without societal change is just techbro shit.