I really do feel like I'm taking crazy pills with libs this election. The last two they at least had a bloodless rationale to the "lesser of two evils" rhetoric.

But this is genocide, the canonical Worst Thing You Can DO! I know many just believe that it's not a genocide at all because Palestinian civilians are all Hamas and just subhuman or that the videos published by official IOF channels are all deepfaked by the hungry ghost of Nasrallah. But then just FUCKING SAY IT and then we can call you a genocide denier and we'll know where we stand!

What I can't get is that many do seem to agree it's a genocide and Kamala is complicit. But then they lesser evil by going "Well if we don't vote then Trump will do bad things to trans people here."

Like Fuck You! You scheming, gaslighting bloody handed monster!

Either this is just a disingenuous argument to get your team in power or to maintain liberal civility politics, in which case double Fuck You that you think people are abstract political tools.

Or, you actually believe this, and the freedom of an LGBT person here outweighs the lives of 2 million people, many LGBT, who happen to have had the extreme misfortune to be born 5 cm over the border and thus outside your ability to feel empathy.

In which case Triple Fuck You, because you are, somehow, more of a fascist than Trump. At least Trump is too incoherent to make a complete argument for fascist policy!

I'm going mad, I really am. How can people be streamed genocide live on CNN and just say "well, I guess we're ok with genocide now!" Is the US public even human?! Even the fucking Germans had the good sense to pretend to look guilty after they lost.

  • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 days ago

    I should be more specific. Americans are a cancer on this planet. They don't learn, they don't WANT to learn, and I've lived around them for enough to know they take glee in hurting other people.

    I was in the room when the non-discrimination ordinance FAILED and these assholes CHEERED as if they won a championship. These people hate me for simply being born the way I am.

    You can call me misanthropic, and that's probably true. Capitalism made me this way. The modern Democratic Party made me this way. My life experiences with other people make me come to this conclusion. You can call me wrong all you want but you can't take away my authentic self. If I have to get banned from here so be it. It's just another website.

    I used to care DEEPLY about people. It's taken a long time for me to get to this point, and I'm sorry I gave up but I am out of hope. No spoons left. I'm so tired.

    I can tell you about the years it took to get here: from being young and naive volunteering for Obama to being a local Dem to working on campaigns, getting into the local Green Party, that going nowhere, trying to build a campaign tool, went nowhere, trying to improve public transit near me, no one even taking the flyer to do the survey to help advocate for them with the city, I was the wrong race for that. Trying and reading and failing and moving more and more left as I gained more understanding but also more and more depressed as I saw how worthless everything I did was. We did brake light clinics that no one came to. We grew a community garden that only we ate out of. I'm feeling useless.

    And the only job I can keep right now is a campaign job for a fucking Fascist. My soul has a price because I need food to keep the rest of me alive.

    I will tell you this: I need a place to vent and let loose. If I don't get it I'm, afraid I will bottle it up and it will explode in a way that gets me jailed or killed. I know it's hard to care because to you I'm just another name on a website. I assure you there's a real human on the other side that is struggling to keep it together.

    • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 days ago

      I know I'm not the perfect Leftist. I'm far from it. I promise I'm learning but I'm not going to be the perfect little revolutionary like the Maoists or the Russians in 1917 or whatever. I'm a broken human. I know that.

      Just remember you can't build a revolution by expecting everyone to "have the correct line" all the time or whatever. That's how you get a reading group of 5 people in a city of 5 million and you wonder why your org can't grow. Perfection is the enemy of progress. Take me as I am or leave me. There's many more like me, especially in America where we've been broken and ground into the dirt.