When the libs support something (not often, but aid to Ukraine is a good example), there must be a rush to pass it. When they don't support something, they act like politicians live in a vacuum outside of time. Oh, transgender laws are just what they are, those are immovable. Oh, Medicare For All wouldn't pass instantly if Sanders won in 2016, therefore we must vote for people who oppose M4A to begin with. Imagine if Republicans acted that way. Oh, GW Bush won't be able to kill Roe v. Wade if he wins in 2000, therefore the logical conclusion is to vote for Al Gore.
When the libs support something (not often, but aid to Ukraine is a good example), there must be a rush to pass it. When they don't support something, they act like politicians live in a vacuum outside of time. Oh, transgender laws are just what they are, those are immovable. Oh, Medicare For All wouldn't pass instantly if Sanders won in 2016, therefore we must vote for people who oppose M4A to begin with. Imagine if Republicans acted that way. Oh, GW Bush won't be able to kill Roe v. Wade if he wins in 2000, therefore the logical conclusion is to vote for Al Gore.