Mark my words, in 100 years we'll look back at urinals like we look back at communal toilets in Rome where you shared a shit covered sponge to wash your ass. Why use a urinal when you can just use the toilet? Do you like having other people's pee splatter all over you? It's a barbaric practice. I will make sure urinals are abolished once i am made the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of the fucking world republic
Northernlions bit about how urinals are actually sexism resonated with me: they are a single sex infrastructure, and men deserve the seated toilets just as women do!
skill issue
Pre-op/non-op trans women could use a urinal.
Pissing while standing up is almost unbearable to me, even when i had a situation where i was in a half-flooded Autobahn bathroom with no seat on the toilet i just squatted instead of standing up, and that was a closed stall where i didn't even have people watching. I've met a few trans women who at least joke about peeing while standing up, but that'd require a situation where you have gender neutral restrooms in the first place, and a location that's safe enough that you don't have to be afraid of getting hatecrimed for taking a piss.
Fair point. But I have seen gender neutral bathrooms with urinals.