My hubby forwarded this screenshot to me from a GTNH Discord server and I feel it is valuable advice for anyone struggling with American healthcare.
My hubby forwarded this screenshot to me from a GTNH Discord server and I feel it is valuable advice for anyone struggling with American healthcare.
Link to the original post (what do they call them on Bluesky...beeps?)
Consolidated text
To everyone in a similar scenario: the tactic my doctor's office has taught me is to ask, in writing, for:
You are not entitled by law to all of these things in most states, but you're entitled to some of them, and you can always ask for them.
This is, she says, a wildly successful tactic, because if the insurance company answers them honestly, it gives you evidence that the "doctors" making these determinations are practicing medicine out of scope, without proper licensing and qualifications, in areas they are not competent in.
Everyone knows this is true; it's not a secret in any way. But it's in violation of a number of regulations, and a LOT of times the company will just give up and pay the bill rather than handing you proof they're violating the regs. It's a tactic that has worked for me many, many times.
Thank you so much for commenting this!!! I wasn't able to find the original by searching it and I didn't want to scroll through at least 8 months worth of skeets to find it because I'm lazy
No worries! I also tried using Bluesky's search function but found it to be less than worthless (kept either failing entirely or ignoring my search parameters), so I went with ol' reliable: "do a websearch but put shit in quotes" (in this case,
"" "determination the treatment"