I've had a bit of luck finding youtubers/twitch streamers who are content to let some dead air go by if they don't have anything important to say, and definitely don't do any yelling or screaming. It's a real nice change.

Partially I'm just making this post to share the few I've been watching the most:

Jagged Appliance, a Supreme Commander player and caster.

Growling Sidewinder, a DCS pilot who goes into detail about dogfighting and BVR fighter jet tactics.

Tasteless, a Starcraft caster who plays Brood War and chess in the Korean timezone.

  • gvngndz [none/use name,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Northernlion has thousands of videos and very rarely raises his voice outside of streams. If you just started going through the few thousand Isaac episodes he has at a rate of 4-5 videos a day, you should have enough content to last for years. He is also a pretty witty guy in general so listening to him can be fun. He is a bit of a liberal, but he is much better than the average G*mer in terms of politcs.

      • Sushi_Desires
        4 years ago

        I think he secretly has a leftist bent. If you listen to the NLSS in particular, he seems to use all sorts of language that you could consider to be vaguely leftist coded -- stuff that is associated with various bits from "dirtbag left" and adjacent content like "you love to see it, folks", "large adult sons", shitting on WSB, etc.