"I've never seen women play any games except all these games I've seen them play, but that doesn't count because reasons"

Bonus points for transphobia and ableism.

Fuck people who think like this. TIL that only men play lots of genres of games, which is news to me because the majority of my male friends only play shooters and one plays nothing but... wait for it... RPGs.

G*mers are a mistake.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Cool, been playing weird grognard flight sims and grand strategy since age 3 on my hand-me-down Amiga 500, so now I'm apparently Trans and Autistic (I get to be in the cool group now!) :trans-hammer-sickle:

    • hauntingspectre [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I grew up playing on a Tandy 1000, whose most notable feature was the huge amount of games that said "640k RAM required (Tandy: 768K)".

      I still remember a few DOS commands, even.

      • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Do you still have the Tandy 1000? Which model was it?

        Just curious, I'm really into vintage computers. I posted a picture of my Apple IIe here a while back, with a hammer and sickle on the screen.