Wondering how many people here like growing shit. it's great, been doing it for a couple years now. Started with a few outdoor weed plants sometime after CA got legal and i just kept potting more and more stuff. Herbs are so easy, so long as you water them often and know how much sun they need. We had a big heatwave here last year and I moved a few inside but the bigger crop got annihilated, like burnt to crisp bad. Going to keep those ones near a fan inside this summer. I dig it more than I thought I would though. I got some tomatoes, green onions, a few hot peppers, random herbs, and a small lemon tree now. All super easy to take care of, highly recommend it.

  • keter_propotkin2 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    i got plans for 2 figs trees, cucumbers, and many some other bush/wild shit like mint and rosemary

    but i've got local area hook ups for all that shit anyway + blackberrys and bay leafs. it all grows wild by a local creek.

    • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
      3 years ago

      nice! i've been meaning to do some cucumbers myself. Want to get into pickling stuff.