“A few days ago I watched the Nicaragua episode of Anthony Bourdain. What a remarkable document of imperialist propaganda.” https://twitter.com/Dr_Sportello/status/1286127819781738498


over 100 employees at an anthony bourdain-branded restaurant sue for wage theft & he publicly vouches for management

Anthony Bourdain on the u.s. joining up with NATO to invade Libya: "I'm really glad we helped out in Libya. That was a cool thing for us to do."

At one point, one young man, who had helped storm the Gaddafi compound, sat down with me to eat American style fast food chicken at KFC knock-off, “Uncle Kentacki”. “This is the taste of freedom”, he said, joyously, un-ironically—and with considerable pride. There was something beautiful in that. https://anthonybourdain.tumblr.com/post/50670679641/libya

Hmmm why would a woke food critic soyface at American imperialist shitculture? I wonder what else he's done for his bourgeois friends like Hillary:


So despite what he euphemized as the “rationing” of Gaza, Palestinians could still enjoy all the Colonel’s secret herbs and spices—so how bad could the “rationing” be? Better yet, Bourdain invited his viewers to consider the case of Libya after the 2011 NATO War. With Gaddafi dead and the “State of the Masses” destroyed, Bourdain beamed about the fresh produce for sale available to local restaurants (unfortunately, the Jamahiriya’s bread subsidies are gone). “But Revolution has brought changed tastes. Libyans, especially young Libyans, hunger for more than just freedom,” he said via voiceover. And what fruit has ripened sweetest on liberty’s vines? Kentucky Fried Chicken—or at least, a knockoff version, to hold Libyans over until Uncle Sam’s greatest brands can storm the shores of Tripoli like the Marines of yesteryear. Bourdain met some young Libyans who had participated in the insurgency at a new counterfeit KFC franchise, and they all snack on fried chicken. While the “uncertainty of the situation” means that legitimate franchised outlets are a ways off, Bourdain gushed that the “Kentaki” fried chicken experience is “awesome” as a corny background track unironically chants the words “American dreams” over and over. On paper, what Bourdain offered here is a paean to the power of the American military and multinational corporations, set to a cheesy tune whose only lyrics are “American dreams” on repeat. Remember Brian Williams rhapsodizing about “the beauty of our weapons” when Trump bombed Syria? What Bourdain did here is only a degree removed from that. His viewers are the sort of people who would normally scoff at this, but such is the unique power of a salesperson like Bourdain. He was so impressed by the ersatz KFC that he expounded on it at length in various places:

  • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, he was smart enough to hate Kissinger, but dumb enough to fall for the Libya shit. Just uninformed. A convenient mouthpiece for imperialism, but not necessarily a knowing one. I think it gives him too much credit to assume otherwise. I can understand why an uninformed American could say Kissinger is bad because of Cambodia but then say Ortega sucks without a hint of irony.