On this day in 1927, conservative forces led by Chiang Kai-Shek carried out the Shanghai Massacre, attacking and disarming workers' militias by force, resulting in more than 300 people being killed or wounded.

This incident marked the beginning of a campaign of violent suppression of Chinese communists by conservative factions in the Kuomintang, killing 300,000 people over the course of three years.

The Shanghai Massacre began before dawn, when nationalist troops began to attack district offices controlled by the union workers. Under an emergency decree, Chiang then ordered the 26th Army to disarm the workers' militias.

The union workers organized a mass meeting denouncing Chiang Kai-shek the next day, and thousands of workers and students went to the headquarters of the 2nd Division of the 26th Army to protest. Soldiers opened fire, killing 100 and wounding many more.

This incident marked the beginning of a prolonged purge of communists from the Wuhan province, and the ensuing violence killed over 300,000 people in less than three years. Stalin offered his support, sending a telegram to the Chinese communists on June 1st, urging them to organize militarily against the state.

The events of April 1927 prompted the Comintern in Moscow to break ties with the Guomindang. It also triggered in-fighting between communists and left-wing nationalists in Wuhan that contributed to the collapse of Wang Jingwei’s government there.

Thousands of communists were forced underground in the cities or dispersed to rural areas. Some attempted to fight back. In August, rebellious army units led by Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and He Long occupied Nanchang for several days before being driven out by the Guomindang army.

By late summer 1927, right-wing nationalists were ascendant in the Guomindang and Jiang Jieshi had emerged as the dominant republican leader of China.

Hola Camaradas :fidel-salute-big: , Our Comrades In Texas are currently passing Through some Hard times :amerikkka: so if you had some Leftover Change or are a bourgeoisie Class Traitor here are some Mutual Aid programs that you could donate to :left-unity-3:

Here is a list of Trans rights organizations you can support :cat-trans:

Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Alexander, M - ‘The New Jim Crow’ (2010)

Davis, A - ‘Are Prisons Obsolete’ (2003)

Jackson, G. - ‘Blood in My Eye’ (1972)

Vitale A.S - ‘The End of Policing’ (2017)

https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/angela-y-davis-are-prisons-obsolete :angela:

Foundations of Leninism :flag-su:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


Join the fresh and beautiful batch of new comms:

!genzedong@hexbear.net :deng-salute:

!strugglesession@hexbear.net :why-post-this:

!libre@hexbear.net :anarxi:

!neurodiverse@hexbear.net :Care-Comrade:

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    3 years ago

    So does anyone else's family know y'all hangout on this site? Not in a you need your parents' permission kind of way lol. They ask me what I'm doing usually and I tell them I'm hangout with some of the coolest kindest people on online. That y'all teach me stuff and make me better as a person. Kind of sappy but wanted to get that out there. Y'all are awesome people.

    Gonna go with my nephews now. The younger one asks if I'm talking to my "chapo people" and I say yeah. Still haven't told him about the name change yet.

    Also gonna get them slowly used to saying hexbear folks as @thelastaxolotl pointed out :chavez-salute:

    :an-eco-heart: :anarchy-heart: :ancom-heart: :af-heart: :ace-heart: :trans-heart: :heart-sickle: