some info on him:
E: rapid count so far has him and against Fujimori
somethings fucky. the guy was winning in polls consistently with a sizable lead yet all of a sudden he's losing?
its safe to say peru has the weirdest political arena ever. Incan NazBols, Friedman and Hayek’s inspiration, Sexist communists, fascist sibling rivalries, and a militant pseudo communist cult to top it off. would make one hell of a sitcom
edit: oh and a guy who whips himself anytime he gets a boner
heard about this through my discord cause some guy was saying this was bad because he was a communist. nothing else bad. said he's winning because some states are in bad conditions and castillo went through them 'with his whores'. can i please expand my friend group outside of gamers please please please please please
Can't wait to hear from western outlets about how he's an illegitimate dictator
Would they be an ally to Castillo? I apologize for my ignorance on the subject.
um its hard to say, they might well just not have a choice, but the party Castillo is in doesnt like their coalition and already tweeted something out insulting them lol