I need it to be a porno now, but one of those made for female audiences where it's the emotional experience being highlighted. A bloodpact ritual to eternally link themselves to the torah, two minutes of deeply problematic sex where any time he makes contact with her there's a trail of hair like a great pyrenees, then the camera focuses on her absently gazing at the ceiling while it happens. It fades to black and becomes a 45 minute justification of Zionism in a beautiful "oi guvnah I's a bit o' the ole semite I is" accent.
I need it to be a porno now, but one of those made for female audiences where it's the emotional experience being highlighted. A bloodpact ritual to eternally link themselves to the torah, two minutes of deeply problematic sex where any time he makes contact with her there's a trail of hair like a great pyrenees, then the camera focuses on her absently gazing at the ceiling while it happens. It fades to black and becomes a 45 minute justification of Zionism in a beautiful "oi guvnah I's a bit o' the ole semite I is" accent.