I wanted to let everybody know, since it isn't commonly known, that pretty much all cars past 2005 contain a hard drive which records location, acceleration, and other data. They are commonly used in car theft cases and insurance claims. From the forensics guys I've talked to, they noted that some modern systems phone home to the manufacturer, but that data is rarely made available to the police. You pretty much cannot buy a modern car without one of these hard drives. Stay safe and if you have questions I can try and answer.
I haven't heard of anyone using this to prove that someone was at a protest ect, but I would expect it in the future. The cops do need a warrant for this and because getting to the drive is a fairly destructive process, they will (generally) actually get one.
So I guess this is just going to go unchallenged? This is bs. Until the point where cars have touch screens, this is entirely untrue. Its not even just that it's untrue, it's technically stupid. Such things didn't become technologically possible until smartphones became widespread.