It's fucking baffling that all of these people have experienced ecological threats that fucked up the air, water, and everything in general and ignored that, saw a plane flying by, and shouted "POISON!" And now, instead of picking up on a credible threat, they had to go with predatory cabals under pizza restaurants and mole-children.

I know media/news narratives are powerful, but god damn.

  • Washburn [she/her]
    3 years ago

    But also, you can't really personally do anything about microplastics. There isn't a community of people regularly fired up and talking about how microplastics are the big bad, destroying the world. A big part of why people get into Q-anon and other right wing conspiracy is because it provides a community to be a part of, and because just consuming media about the conspiracies, or as they call it "educating yourself," or " doing your own research," you are a participant against the imagined conspiracy.